Mortgages for company directors who want to save time, save money, and borrow more

Get a fast decision on an up to 95% mortgage based on your company’s profits and not just your own income

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You’d think getting a mortgage as a business owner would be easy. After all, you probably earn more than anyone else in the company and you’re unlikely to sack yourself anytime soon.

And yet every day we hear from business owners like you who have gone to their bank to get a mortgage or remortgage and been turned down.

This happens for all sorts of reasons, but very often it is simply because traditional banks don’t understand how company directors and business owners structure their finances and how they pay themselves.

For example, your accountant might have recommended you take a small salary and pay yourself mainly through dividends. And maybe you’ve split those dividends between you and your spouse to make things more tax efficient.

Or maybe you’ve opted to leave excess profits in the business rather than take the money out when you don’t necessarily need it.

All these things are great for reducing your tax bill but they work against you when it comes to getting a mortgage, because most lenders use highly automated processes that rely purely on looking at your recent payslips to determine whether or not they’ll lend you the money you need for your new home or latest project.

Fortunately there is a simple solution. And that’s to get help from us.

Because we’re independent mortgage brokers, we have access to over 110 different lenders – many of whom you won’t find on the High Street – and thousands of different mortgage products, including ones that you won’t find on comparison websites or via other brokers.

The mortgage companies we work with all have different lending criteria but we know which ones are most keen to lend to company directors. Plus we have personal relationships with a lot of the staff at these lenders so we can make sure your application gets looked at by a real person who understands how company directors pay themselves, instead of by a computer.

And, best of all, we won’t charge you anything. Yes, that’s right – our service is 100% free from start to finish.

To find out which of our exclusive company director mortgage deals you qualify for, fill in our one-minute enquiry form and we’ll call you back to run through your options.

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Ideal Mortgage!

Fill in your details below and one of our mortgage experts will contact you to discuss your options and help you choose the most appropriate deal.

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    Why Choose Us?

    Here at Quick Mortgages we specialise in sourcing and arranging mortgages for company directors and business owners. This gives you a number of benefits that you won’t get with other brokers or if you try to find your own mortgage online or on the High Street.

    Start your journey now by clicking below!

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    How It Works

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    Mortgages for Business Owners

    Find Your
    Ideal Mortgage!

    Fill in your details below and one of our mortgage experts will contact you to discuss your options and help you choose the most appropriate deal.

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